Video Recordings

Artwork Case

Pearl Jam
November 14, 1991
Tower Records
Yonkers, New York, USA
The Video Mission
Video Masters x2>mini dv
The Video Mission

  • Wash
  • Black
  • Alive
  • Oceans
  • Porch

CD World New Jersey in-store:
  • Porch
  • After set

Taken from Five Horizons

Another excellent acoustic set. Eddie sings with no mic for half of the show and there are absolutely no plugs in the guitars. Eddie, hoarse from seven shows in the previous seven days, ad libs a line in Alive that garners a laugh from the crowd: "Is something wrong she said... of course there is yeah... I have no voice he said..." :) Someone in the crowd comments on Eddie's bandaged hand and he tells them he hurt it Tuesday (two nights before in New York at the Roseland) bashing Dave's cymbals. They strum a bit of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" before Porch. Eddie has an informal chat with the cameraman after the set, where we learn he wrote the lyrics to Black on a poster and sent it to the guy's girlfriend (back in the good old days when your letters to the Ten Club sometimes brought such responses...) While talking to the cameraman he finds a CD of Eleven, Jack Irons' band at the time, and writes something on the box, then puts it back in the rack. I wonder who bought that copy of "Awake in a Dream," and if they ever wondered who circled Jack's face and scribbled a note on it. :) Booksigning and pictures follow also. During the set the camera is right in front of the band on Mike's side and the view is unobstructed. The closeups are excellent. Eddie is wearing his white Doc Martens -- the same ones in the picture on the cover of the Australian Even Flow CD single. (Those got a lot of attention at the time.)

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